Pediatric Chiropractic

Why Every Baby Should See a Pediatric Chiropractor: Benefits, Safety, and What to Expect

February 26, 202510 min read

Peanut butter and jelly. Milk and cookies. Babies and chiropractic. These are some of the best combinations to exist. 

If you’re questioning that last one, we would love to explain why babies and chiropractic is our favorite combination of all!

You may be thinking, “why would you bring a baby to a chiropractor? They don’t have neck or back pain!” Well, that’s probably true. But no matter, because chiropractic care is not about neck and back pain; it’s about optimal expression of life!

Why bring a baby to a chiropractor?

Let’s break it down. Everyone has a nervous system; it’s actually the very first system to develop in the womb!

The nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, organ, and function in the body. The nervous system is encased and protected by the spine. If there is a misalignment or anything obstructing the nerves from flowing freely (think a kink in a hose), then the nervous system will have a harder time functioning as optimally as it can. This means that a baby’s most vital functions—like breastfeeding, sleeping, digesting, and more—can be compromised and hinder their health and development. 

Even every pediatrician recognizes the importance of the structure of the spine. They perform scoliosis checks to ensure that your baby is not having altered development.

This is not just because they care about your baby’s posture, but it is because they understand the intricate relationship between the spine and the nervous system.

Therefore, we believe that checking a child's developing spine and nervous system during their largest growth periods (the first five to seven years of life) is critical.

As chiropractors, we use multiple modes of analysis to check and see how well your baby’s nervous system is functioning, check for any interference, and remove any interference via gentle adjustments.

The results are healthy, happy babies who are building a strong foundation for all of their future development!

What can chiropractic help babies with?

  1. Birth Trauma Recovery - Birth is a very traumatic process for both mom and baby–even the most natural of deliveries. For babies born via C-section or those who experienced complications, this physical stress can become "stuck" in the nervous system, leading to issues like difficulty latching, sleep disturbances, and digestive discomfort. Gentle chiropractic care helps release this tension, supporting a smoother recovery and healthier nervous system function.

  2. Breastfeeding and latching challenges - Birth places significant strain on a baby’s head and neck, impacting the cranial nerves responsible for turning the head, latching, sucking, and swallowing. Pressure from contractions and the birthing process can affect these nerves, making breastfeeding more difficult. Pediatric chiropractors gently assess and adjust the cranial bones and nervous system to relieve tension, ensuring optimal function and making nursing easier for both mom and baby. 

  3. Sleep - A baby struggling to fall or stay asleep often has an overstimulated nervous system—think of it as being stuck in "fight or flight" mode, like trying to sleep while being chased by a bear! Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the nervous system, shifting babies into “rest and digest” mode, allowing them to relax and sleep more soundly.

  4. Constipation - Chiropractic care can help relieve constipation in babies by gently addressing spinal misalignments that may be affecting nerve communication between the brain and digestive system. The nervous system controls bowel movements, and tension in the spine—especially in the lower back—can disrupt digestion. Gentle pediatric adjustments help restore proper nerve function, improve gut motility, and support overall digestive health, making it easier for babies to have regular, comfortable bowel movements.

  5. Colic & Reflux –Colicky babies are often uncomfortable, and digestive issues can be a contributing factor. Just as chiropractic care supports constipation relief, it also helps restore proper brain-gut communication, improving digestion and reducing symptoms of colic and reflux. Many parents notice their babies becoming more content and settled after gentle adjustments.

  6. Tension & High Muscle Tone – Some babies hold extra tension in their bodies due to birth strain or nervous system stress. This can lead to stiffness, difficulty relaxing, and discomfort. Chiropractic care gently releases tension, promoting relaxation, ease of movement, and overall comfort.

  7. Brain Development – Did you know that 60% of brain development happens in the first year of life? The nervous system plays a crucial role in brain growth, learning, behavior, and motor skills. Chiropractic care helps ensure the nervous system is functioning optimally, giving your baby the strongest foundation for future development and well-being.

  8. Head Shape & Spinal Development – A baby’s head shape reflects brain development and can have long-term effects. A preference for turning the head to one side, often due to birth or pregnancy strain, can lead to uneven pressure and an abnormal cranial shape. Gentle chiropractic adjustments help relieve tension, restore mobility in the spine and cranial bones, and support natural correction over time.

  9. Torticollis & Plagiocephaly – Chiropractic care can help babies with torticollis and plagiocephaly by gently addressing tension and misalignments in the spine and cranial bones. Torticollis, often caused by birth strain, leads to a tight neck, making it difficult for a baby to turn their head evenly, which can contribute to plagiocephaly (flattened head shape). Gentle adjustments help relieve muscle tightness, improve mobility, and restore balance, allowing the baby’s head and body to develop symmetrically.

  10. Overall Health & Wellness – Research shows that babies and children under chiropractic care often experience fewer ear infections, stronger immune function, and better overall health compared to those who aren’t. By optimizing nervous system function, chiropractic care helps support your baby’s resilience and well-being from the start.

Although chiropractic does not treat anything, because chiropractic care works with the nervous system and the nervous system controls every function in the body, chiropractic has the potential to help with anything!

Now you might be thinking… If chiropractic care has so many benefits, why hasn’t our pediatrician recommended it?

Medical doctors are trained to treat symptoms. So if there’s nothing “wrong” with your baby, they are most likely say the baby is “normal.”

But we don’t just accept “normal”; we want more for your child. We want every child to reach and express their full God-given potential, and we believe that is possible when the nervous system is free and clear of interference!

We’ll say it a hundred times if we have to: Chiropractic is not about treating symptoms. It’s about full expression of life!

Is chiropractic safe for babies?

As a parent, your baby’s safety and wellbeing is your number one priority, as well as ours. Baby adjustments are nothing like those crazy videos you see on TikTok of adults getting cracked and popped. Baby adjustments are incredibly gentle; the force it takes to adjust a baby is about the same as feeling the ripeness of an avocado! 

Most babies do cry briefly while getting adjusted because when we find the problem area (what we call a subluxation) it is similar to pressing on a bruise. Additionally, babies simply don’t like being messed with, just like they might cry when getting their diaper changed. And they especially don’t like being held by anyone who’s not Mom or Dad. 

So no, a baby doesn’t cry when getting checked because they are in pain, but because they are irritated.

Why babies cry

Why do babies cry, anyway? Crying is a baby’s only way to communicate. Because we as adults usually only cry when we’re extremely upset, we might think there’s something “wrong” when a baby cries, but that’s not necessarily true. Babies cry even when they’re hungry, tired, or simply uncomfortable. 

Let’s go a step further. What do different types of cries mean?

“Neh” - Hunger Cry:
Often rhythmic and repetitive, this cry tends to start softly and gradually intensify. It’s usually accompanied by rooting or sucking motions as the baby signals they’re ready to eat.

“Owh/Oah” - Sleepy or Tired Cry:
This cry is usually softer and more whiny. It may be accompanied by signs like yawning or rubbing eyes. If the baby seems to be fighting sleep, the cry might start as a gentle fuss and then escalate as fatigue sets in.

“Heh” - Discomfort or Overstimulation Cry:
When a baby feels uncomfortable—perhaps due to a wet diaper, tight clothing, or an environment that's too hot or cold—the cry can be fussy and irregular. It might also occur when the baby is overwhelmed by too much noise or activity and needs a calm environment.

“Eair/Earggh” - Pain Cry:
Typically sharp and high-pitched, a pain cry often comes on suddenly and can be more intense and insistent. This type of cry usually signals that the baby is experiencing physical discomfort or distress and needs immediate attention.

Colicky or Frustration Cry:
Some babies go through periods of prolonged crying, especially during the evening hours, which might be related to colic. This cry is generally consistent, intense, and may be accompanied by physical signs of discomfort like clenching fists or arching their back.

All that to say, most babies who cry when getting checked fall into a discomfort or frustration type of cry—never a pain cry. Dr. Vin has observed that babies who are fed soon before getting adjusted calm down way faster than babies who are hungry during their adjustment. If a baby is upset because they’re hungry in addition to being upset because they’re being messed with, that’s a recipe for an even more distressed cry. 

It can be so upsetting to hear your baby crying. But after the 10 seconds of crying is over, you can expect a happier baby who will probably take the longest nap of their life, and might even have a blowout later!

Okay, but how safe is it?

For an additional measure of safety, let’s look at Insurance data, because those numbers don’t lie.

The Chirofutures Malpractice Insurance Program which insures thousands of chiropractors, does not base its malpractice insurance rates on the age of the patients a chiropractor sees.

In fact, they are not aware of any data showing an increase in adverse events from the tens of millions of pediatric chiropractic visits per year.

Our personal malpractice insurance here in Florida is only $2,000 a year. That means it’s statistically more dangerous to drive a car than get adjusted! (Now go ahead and look up the malpractice insurance rates for other providers… food for thought!)

How to choose a pediatric chiropractor

That being said, we do not recommend getting your baby checked by any old chiropractor.

It’s true that most chiropractors do not get a lot of training in pediatrics. Because we at Slainte Chiropractic have a passion for giving babies and kids the absolute best care possible, Dr. Vin has received two additional certifications from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and has conducted thousands of hours of additional research and training in pediatrics. He received his Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) and his Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (DICCP), rendering him an expert in pediatric chiropractic!

If you’re going to take your baby to a chiropractor, it might as well be Dr. Vin! One of our practice members said it best: “‘Take your baby to Dr. Vin’ is pretty much the best advice you can give a new parent.” (we blush.)

Dr. Vincent Farrar Slainte Chiropractic Pediatric Chiropractic

What does a baby chiropractic visit look like?

Curious to see what a baby adjustment looks like? Watch Dr. Vin check babies as well as explain exactly what he's doing in this video!

Whether your baby is 1 hour old or is learning to walk, Gonstead chiropractic care can help give your child the best start to life!

We would love to help your baby thrive and reach their full, God-given potential!

If you are local to Northeast Florida and would like to get your baby checked (or have any questions about it whatsoever), call our office at  904-718-6330, or book online here!

If you are not local to NEFL, visit this website to find a pediatric chiropractor near you!

pediatric chiropractic for baby Slainte Chiropractic

pediatric chiropracticbaby chiropracticbreastfeedingnervous system
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