Breastfeeding is a beautiful, natural bonding experience, but sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as expected. As a new mom, you may notice certain signs or challenges that indicate your baby is struggling with breastfeeding. While some hiccups are normal, certain issues may point to underlying concerns that could be addressed with bodywork techniques like chiropractic care or craniosacral therapy. Let’s take a closer look at some common breastfeeding red flags and how bodywork might offer a solution.
It's typical for babies to nurse from both breasts during a feeding session. However, if your baby consistently prefers one side over the other, it could indicate some physical discomfort or tension in their body. A one-sided preference may suggest that your baby is experiencing neck or body tension, making it difficult for them to latch comfortably on the other breast.
When a baby has muscle tension, whether in the neck, jaw, or shoulders, it can make it harder for them to turn their head or position themselves properly to nurse. If your baby is showing a preference for one side, bodywork such as chiropractic care or craniosacral therapy can help alleviate this tension, potentially improving their latch and overall comfort while breastfeeding.
Experiencing clogged ducts is a common issue for breastfeeding mothers, but if you notice that clogs tend to happen more frequently on one side, this might be a sign that your baby isn't efficiently emptying that breast. When babies struggle with latching or don't engage in a proper suckling motion, the milk isn’t being fully expressed, leading to blockages in the breast.
This inefficiency could stem from muscle weakness or tension in the baby's body, affecting their ability to latch deeply or suck effectively. By addressing these underlying muscle issues through bodywork, you can potentially help your baby nurse more efficiently, reducing the chances of clogged ducts and improving milk flow.
Many mothers notice that their baby’s latch is better in the morning, becoming more challenging as the day goes on. This pattern often coincides with the baby becoming more tired as the day progresses. As your baby’s energy levels drop, their latch may start to fail, resulting in frustration for both of you during feedings.
This could indicate that your baby’s muscles and nervous system are not functioning as efficiently as they should be. As the day goes on, fatigue may prevent them from coordinating their latch effectively, and the muscles involved in breastfeeding may become less responsive. Bodywork can help release muscle tension and support better nervous system functioning, allowing your baby to latch more effectively throughout the day.
All of these red flags—whether it’s favoring one breast, experiencing more clogged ducts, or struggling with latch quality as the day goes on—often stem from one underlying issue: nervous system tension, often caused by birth trauma. Birth, especially if it was challenging or involved interventions like forceps or a vacuum, can lead to tension and misalignments in your baby’s body.
This tension can affect your baby’s ability to latch properly, suck effectively, and nurse comfortably. The good news is that bodywork techniques like chiropractic care and craniosacral therapy can be incredibly helpful in releasing this tension. These therapies focus on realigning the body and calming the nervous system, which can improve your baby’s ability to breastfeed effectively.
If you’ve noticed any of these red flags in your baby’s breastfeeding journey, bodywork may offer a solution. Chiropractic care and craniosacral therapy can help address the muscular and nervous system tension that may be hindering your baby’s latch and overall breastfeeding experience.
Chiropractic adjustments are designed to realign the spine and restore proper nerve function, helping your baby feel more comfortable during feedings. Craniosacral therapy, which works with the soft tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, can help release tension in the head, neck, and jaw—key areas involved in breastfeeding.
By addressing these underlying physical issues, bodywork can make a significant difference in your baby’s breastfeeding success.
If you're experiencing any of these breastfeeding challenges or want to know more about how bodywork can help, we invite you to download our free comprehensive guide, "How to know if bodywork could be your solution for breastfeeding". It offers valuable insights into identifying red flags and practical tips for improving your baby’s breastfeeding experience. By learning more about these issues and how bodywork can make a difference, you can take the first step toward a more comfortable and successful breastfeeding journey for both you and your baby.
Download our guide today and feel more confident and empowered in your breastfeeding journey!