Dr. Bridget Edkin-Farrar

Dr. Bridget is a third-generation chiropractor and the ninth in her family. She is overjoyed to be continuing the legacy of her family as a principled Gonstead chiropractor. She has been adjusted since she was four days old, and has never been inside of a hospital outside of birth.
What makes Sláinte Chiropractic different is that Dr. Bridget spent hundreds of hours outside of school to learn the Gonstead Technique. It is the most difficult technique to master in chiropractic but gets the absolute best results. With Gonstead Chiropractic care you can be sure you are getting the most thorough and comprehensive care possible! Dr. Bridget is also Certified in the Webster Technique, which also helps prepare your body for birthing your baby as naturally and painlessly as possible.
Dr. Bridget’s heartbeat is to help guide couples who are struggling with fertility to get healthy so they can conceive a radiantly healthy baby, as well as to help new families reduce the strain of birth and guide them through the journey of growing that healthy, well-adjusted, and happy baby! Her hope is to see all people live life to their God-given potential.
For Dr. Bridget, Chiropractic is not just a job, but a way of life as she embodies it in all that she does. Because of this passion, her talent, and amazing leadership skills, she was awarded Small Business Leader of the Year overall for the city of Jacksonville just this year. She is a dynamic speaker that loves empowering the community with a message of true health and healing which only comes from within. Often you will hear her say that God does the healing, her hands are just the tools He uses.
Dr. Bridget fell in love with the Jacksonville community when she moved here ten years ago and surrendered her life to Christ at the Church of Eleven22. There are two things that you can always count on Dr. Bridget talking about: Christ and Chiropractic. Dr. Bridget works together with her husband at Slainte Chiropractic. They have two beautiful children, and they cannot wait to meet you and your family!

Dr. Vincent Farrar

Dr. Vincent Farrar is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor utilizing the Gonstead Technique. He is certified in the Webster Technique which is very beneficial for pregnant moms. works with stressed newborn babies who want to eat, sleep, and poop with ease and he works with children with developmental challenges who want to reach their milestones.

Dr. Vin was born in New York after stressful labor. He experienced breathing difficulties, so he was on a nebulizer treatment frequently. After he finished those treatments, he had recurrent strep throat infections so he was given rounds of antibiotics. At the age of eight, after countless failed treatments Dr. Vin had surgery to remove his tonsils. Then Dr. Vin had experienced really bad seasonal allergies which his parents were told were normal.​

During this time, Dr. Vin was an avid baseball player. Even though he lived in NY he played year round and put countless of hours into his career. Dr. Vin started out as a catcher than after a few years began to pitch as well. This placed a lot of stress on his arm and over time he developed an arm injury. This was how he was introduced to chiropractic.​

Only after starting chiropractic school, did Dr. Vin discover what chiropractic was truly about. From that point on he had a burning desire to help children grow to their fullest potential.

Dr. Craig Bryan III

Dr. Craig is the first chiropractor in his family! It is true what they say, you don’t choose your passion, but your passion chooses you. One of Dr. Craig’s favorite quotes is by Mark Twain, “ The two most important days of your life are the day that you are born, and the day you find out why.”

Dr. Craig was a Division 1 athlete, but after suffering a severe neck injury, it ended his career. What he didn’t know is that it would start his life’s mission, which is to bring hope and healing to people who have not been able to conquer their health challenges.

Dr. Craig’s passion is to bring a ridiculous amount of positive energy and happiness to families who are extremely frustrated with the health choices that they have been given or made themselves. There is an answer, and Dr. Craig understands that with a great Brain-Body connection, healing is possible!!

Slainte Chiropractic was an answered prayer from God for Dr. Craig. With hundreds of routes he could’ve chosen, he was challenged to learn and understand the best technique that allows him to get as close as possible to the root cause of health challenges, which is The Gonstead Technique. He is blessed with not one but two extremely talented, intelligent, and passionate mentors who have devoted their lives to the science, art, and philosophy of Gonstead Chiropractic.

Amanda Khaukha

Office Manager Extraordinaire

Amanda is our Office Manager. She began working at Slainte Chiropractic as a Chiropractic Assistant in July of 2018, after moving to Jacksonville in August of 2017.

Amanda was born in Dallas, TX where most of her family lives. She moved to Minneapolis, MN in 2009 to continue her education where she graduated from North Central University with a bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification.

While in Minneapolis, she spent her free time leading worship, volunteering, and playing music for various events around the cities. She worked in Nassau, Bahamas with Next Step Ministries where she led youth and college age groups in long-term community development projects. After that, she traveled to Uganda multiple times for fieldwork credit towards her degree where she met her husband, David and fell in love with her home away from home.

Amanda is a wife and mother of two lively little girls, Suubi and Amara. One of her greatest family goals is making a new path regarding health for generations to come. She is working her
way into the birth world, has completed her Doula Certification Training, and is incredibly passionate about women’s health. Her favorite things are writing, creating, and performing music, as well as exploring and sharing about culture & diversity, ministry, traveling, and coffee. She is always up for coffee (or tea) and a chat!


Ciena Owens

Back Office Captain

Ciena is a chiropractic assistant here at Slainte! She started out as a practice member but loved it so much she wanted to work here. She has been with us since October of 2019. You will find Ciena in the reassessment room doing scans and having great conversations with practice members.  You might also find her in the back room writing birthday cards and making the happy thoughts that everyone loves. 

Ciena is originally from Rohnert Park, California and moved to Florida when she was 12. Growing up in California she loved to go camping, being on a lake and playing sports. Ciena is a big animal lover and has two fur babies, Calypso and Phynx. They are spunky little cats. :)

Ciena was introduced to the chiropractic world through her sibling having back issues. Already two back surgeries into life at 23, and now they were suddenly not able to use their right leg. Without any luck in the medicine world her cousin, a chiropractor, referred them here to Slainte Chiropractic, since it was closer to where they lived. After seeing her sibling walk again,  thinking it wasn’t possible because that is what they had been told by many medical people, she was sold and started care the next week! Ten months later, she was a part of the Slainte team. 

In the future Ciena would love to have her own tiny house and be able to do more traveling. She wants to go to Europe, New Zealand and would love to go back to Iceland. She would love to one day move to a different country and have her tiny living there. 

Jasmine Bejarano

Office Experience Coordinator

If someone were to see me walking down the street, they would notice I am not wearing tik toks latest and greatest. I probably wouldn’t be asked why- but you’re here, and I’m here, so I’ll just tell you. Growing up I was your typical youngest sibling. The wild one that seemed to be cut from a different cloth then my sisters. Afternoons were spent running to my Abuelas to eat snacks and catch up on shows and playing outside until the streetlights came on. This mundane routine was my usual until it became a vapor.

Formal turned to prom, prom turned to graduation, and I wasn’t there for any of it. Instead of sitting back on the couch, my back now rested on waiting room chairs awaiting each new doctor’s report for my dad. I was there so often his date of birth became the soundtrack to my life. This same soundtrack was my destiny according to my family. I was destined to be the encore to this album full of my family’s illnesses. The thing was, I knew that wasn’t going to be my story, no matter how many times I was told. College turned the corner, and I became the unhealthiest person I knew. My “destiny” was knocking at my door and before I realized I was so far away from the reality I dreamed for myself. I started with the one thing I knew, and that was changing the inside of my pantry. Once I realized how poorly I was treating my body with the lack of nutrition in my “healthy food” I started to uncover more. I realized my everyday household products, soaps, etc., were doing more harm then good. Over the course of a couple years my entire life looked different, and I thought I had done everything. I accomplished what I had set out to do, or so I thought.

A few months after I had so called “made it”, I was still experiencing some issues I thought would go away with changing literally my whole life. I mean, I became the friend that was never asked what they used because it was too healthy. Luckily, I had some friends who had been on this journey before me and were a great resource. One thing led to another, and I was walking in the doors of Slainte Chiropractic ready to meet doctors that were for me and not against me. In one blink I went from sitting in front of the desk catching up with everyone to doing the same thing from the back, but in all black.

This time, I knew it was the real deal. You see, it’s not the fact that I love holding babies, handing out stickers, and making people think I’m the funniest person they know. Although all things are true- especially the last (I got jokes). It’s the fact that the baby I’m getting to hold could be the pioneer for their family, or the fact that the parents could be. It’s the fact that the kids grabbing stickers will remember a place a time where they didn’t have to accept the destiny someone else put on them. It’s the fact that people going through hard things can have thirty minutes of joy in their day. All things I know to well, as a pioneer myself. It was never about the “things”, it was always so much more.